Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Delhi is a shithole

View of Paharganj: the neighborhood lies in the very centre of Delhi.

First of all, let me just say one thing about Delhi. It’s absolutely fucking filthy. I mean, London is filthy, most cities are filthy, granted. But New Delhi is just in a whole league of its own. During monsoon it gets especially worse because of the rubbish sewer systems and apparently non existent waste disposal services. You can imagine how torrential rain does nothing to improve this. Contrary to what you may think about the rain cleaning the streets and washing away the cities filth what it actually does is just turn the roads into muddy rivers of garbage and human excrement and the junctions into swirling cess pits and quagmires of shit, rubbish and grime. Its difficult to imagine why anybody would want to come here. I saw most of the interesting sights in one afternoon drive around the city and frankly that was enough.

My room was a shitty little box with a toilet that didn’t work and a window that didn’t open (lonely planet recommends this place so god knows what the bad places are like) and it was a staggering 400 R’s per night. Compared to my pleasant 250 R’s a night room in Varanasi this was a rip off.

The idea of any more than a few days in Delhi makes me want to cry to be honest and I was so happy to get on that train to Varanasi.
The whole time I was there I didn’t take my camera out of its bag, partly because I was very jet lagged and just wanted to acclimatise and get used to India before I became the intrepid photojournalist and partly because the place just didn’t interest me. It was just shitty, muddy, filthy, smelly streets filled with people trying to rip you off, crazed rickshaw drivers, annoying touts and shop owners who see any white person as pay day.
I fucking hated it. As soon as I got off that plane and the heat and the smell hit me I knew I would hate it. The smell, the fucking smell. Mix, petrol, shit, sand, piss, smoke, filthy water, sewage, rotting rubbish, and miscellaneous pollution together and hey presto, you have New Delhi. I’m no cynic, and I wont be this negative about everywhere I go. But let me get this straight. Delhi is horrible. Just horrible. It’s everything I hate about India all in one place.

(text and photo: Jack Laurenson)

Jack gets it absolutely right. No other place is India is as disgusting as Delhi. Which is why I don't go out: no sightseeing, no visiting places, no shopping strolls, nothing. This shithole doesn't deserve my time.


  1. Companies ruined or almost ruined by Inia, Inc.:

    AirBus (Qantas plane plunged 650 feet injuring passengers when its computer system written by India disengaged the auto-pilot).
    Sun Micro
    Bell Labs (Arun Netravalli - head, closed, turned into a shopping mall)
    Quark (Alukah Kamar CEO, fired)
    Skype (Madhu Yarlagadda fired)
    MIT Media Lab Asia (canceled)
    Intel Whitefield processor project (cancelled, Indian staff canned)
    Apple R&D CLOSED in India in 2006
    ComAir reservation system
    Boeing Dreamliner ILS and collision detection software (written by HCL)
    Lehman (Spectramind software bought by Wipro, ruined, trashed by slumdog programmers)
    Dell, United, Delta call centers (closed in India because Premji's conmen don't even know how to use telephones, let alone computers)
    HSBC ATMs (software taken over by Indians, failed in 2006)
    AIG (signed outsourcing deal in 2007 in Europe with Accenture Indian frauds, collapsed in 2009)
    Qantas - See AirBus above
    State of Indiana $867 billion FAILED IBM project
    World Bank (Indian fraudsters BANNED for 3 years because they stole data).
    I could post the whole list here but I don't want to crash any servers.

  2. Even Shit holes are better... This place is a fucking hell hole, full of snobbish assholes and boneheads, ready to be beaten to death...
    I line in Chattarpur area, where water has mud/sand/white stuff you name it, no power for hours on end, and residents instead of complaining go to shop for batteries for their inverters! Fucking Morons...

  3. I agree with the original post. James' rant however, is unrelated yo the post - and factually incorrect.
    Intel's blockbuster chip (pentium) - developed by Indian engineer. Sun microsystems? Founded by an Indian - ran aground MANY years later under different leadership (not Indian).
    His list is so ridiculous- it is equivalent of saying - 'Enron was a scandal involving white men, hence ALL corporations run by white men are scum...'...

  4. I live in north California and I'm surrounded by Indians. They are everywhere, probably running away from the shithole India is. They come here and their stench is horrible, they throw garbage on the floor with a trash can 6ft away, they are loud, not a bit polite, very snobish (of what??) and they are ugly as fuck.

  5. I live in north California and I'm surrounded by Indians. They are everywhere, probably running away from the shithole India is. They come here and their stench is horrible, they throw garbage on the floor with a trash can 6ft away, they are loud, not a bit polite, very snobish (of what??) and they are ugly as fuck.

  6. wow i went to delhi 20 years ago and i can still remember that smell like like someone had died 6 months ago and everyone had bin shitting in the dead body,i never smelt any thing like that smell,there are some twats there but some very nice people there to mainly the poor,so all in all i like the place the poor people who i always got time for them cheers andy
